Tag : music

Assault on the impalpable (Oops, that’s embarrassing. Get out of the configuration)

I’ve been listening to music since I was a child, I’m not in any way a technician of the subject, my listenings are purely dictated by instinct and sensitivity. Certainly my way of discovering music, compared to the past, has changed considerably, I belong to that generation that grew up with vinyl, who discovered new musical things through radio, magazines and random purchases. I’m talking about the 70s and 80s mostly and part of the 90s. Since my desire to […]

Ecology of the imaginary

Muntaka Chasant, Burning sheathed cables to recover copper at the Agbogbloshie e-waste landfill near the center of Accra, Ghana’s capital city (detail)   After this long summer break I would like to resume from the central theme of this blog. That is, from that discourse already undertaken around the images and the impact they have on the constitution of our imagery and, therefore, of our experience, determining many of our points of view and the “form” of our thinking itself. […]