Tag : politics

The Altermodern failure

In Radicant, published in 2009, the French art critic Nicolas Bourriaud tries to construct an essayistic path aimed at identifying the new cultural routes that characterize the new millennium, putting it as a response to the current practices of globalizing capital and finding a possible solution in the practices implemented by some contemporary artists. In it he introduces the term Altermodern, indicating the current historical period, whose assumptions date back to the nineties of the previous century. As Bourriaud writes, […]

The great meagreness

Danilo Santinelli, Bathers (detail), 1996 In this speech I would like to address the embarrassing problem that grips an entire generation, mine, and that I believe to be affected by a disarming smallness. A smallness expressed above all in the absence and therefore in reality not expressed, even if concrete and existential, which manifests itself in a failure to take a position on every aspect of civil and moral life. A generation that has not arrived, that neither declares nor […]