Tag : anachronism

From postmodernism to altermodernity 7

Seminario tenuto il 7 novembre 2020 presso la Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, all’interno del ciclo dal titolo Interventi attorno Chiari   The Altermodern Nicolas Bourriaud, Radicant: pour une esthétique de la globalisation , 2009 In 2011, the Victoria and Albert Museum held a retrospective exhibition on postmodernism entitled Postmodernism – Style and Subversion 1970 – 1990, curated by Glenn Adamson (1972) and Jane Pavitt, which declared the conclusion of postmodernism itself according to the French critic Nicolas Bourriaud […]

From postmodernism to altermodernity 6

Peter Greenaway, Nightwatching, 2007 Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari   Postmodern cinema An excellent cinematic example of postmodernism can be found in the work of the British filmmaker Peter Greenaway. Apart from rare cases of more narrative events, most of his production is constituted as a continuous pictorial quotation, so much so that the spectator, in the absence of comprehension of those […]

From postmodernism to altermodernity 5

Carlo Maria Mariani, The city 1, 2001 (particolare) Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari Postmodern painting In those years, in fact, there was an overbearing return to painting, which in the United States was expressed precisely in the form of an impetuous Hyperrealism, while in Europe it took on the characteristics of citationism typical of post-modernity and which had one of its greatest […]