Tag : line

The intelligence of Moebius

after John Flaxman, The Sirens, 1805, Tate Modern, London   What has always struck me about the representations of Moebius (Jean Giraud 1938-2012) ¬ – even though he is an author dedicated to comics and therefore to an art form that is by nature dynamic and sequential – are the metaphysical sensations and suspension that emanate from them. This is an aspect that is not obvious and, in some ways, surprising that characterizes the work of one of the greatest […]

Line, gesture and matter

Vincent van Gogh, Cornfield with Ravens Flight, 1890   Up to now, in this blog, I have introduced the spatio-temporal trends of composition (https://www.danilosantinelli.it/danilos-blog/spatio-temporal-trend-of-the-composition/), the aspects of basic geometric forms (https://www.danilosantinelli.it/danilos-blog/aspects-of-basic-geometric-shapes/) and the aspects of colour (https://www.danilosantinelli.it/danilos-blog/color-aspects/), all of which are fundamental to conducting the analysis of a visual text from a grammatical point of view, given that, as has already been said several times, images use their own grammar that allows them to express themselves and make clear to […]