Tag : contemporary age

From postmodernism to altermodernity 5

Carlo Maria Mariani, The city 1, 2001 (particolare) Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari Postmodern painting In those years, in fact, there was an overbearing return to painting, which in the United States was expressed precisely in the form of an impetuous Hyperrealism, while in Europe it took on the characteristics of citationism typical of post-modernity and which had one of its greatest […]

From postmodernism to altermodernity 4

Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari Influences on Popular Imagery As is well known, the sixties saw the rise of Pop Rock music with the Beatles, confirming the popular vocation of the entire Contemporary Era since its inception. It is, in fact, within this framework that another of those short circuits typical of this era occurred: if during the 1920s Edgar Varese (1883-1965) […]

From postmodernism to altermodernity 3

Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari   The process of abstraction In the visual arts, the neo-avant-garde movements manifested themselves in the so-called cold currents, so defined because they were characterised by the abandonment of classical means of artistic expression, which certainly saw a precursor in Duchamp and his ready-made of 1914. In 1914, Duchamp simply exhibited a common bottle rack in a […]

From postmodernism to altermodernity 1

Seminar held on 7 November 2020 at the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, as part of the cycle entitled Interventi intorno Chiari The Contemporary Era I would like to start with some remarks on Chiari’s work (Giuseppe Chari 1926-2007), for which the references to the New Dada experience are indispensable, with particular reference to Rauschenberg’s research (Robert Rauschenberg 1925-2008), which, in turn, looks back to the original Dada and to Schwuitters’ assemblages (Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948) and to some of […]