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Andamenti spazio-temporali della composizione

Nel precedente articolo ( ho evidenziato come parlare di realismo all’interno dei testi visivi sia improprio. Essi, infatti, impiegano codici che si rivolgono al nostro modo di vedere e pensare il mondo, dunque alla nostra percezione di esso, che lungi dall’essere reale è invece distorta: si era in tal senso portato l’esempio della convergenza prospettica che il nostro sguardo – e il disegno di conseguenza riproduce – percepisce. Il senso di realismo è quindi dato dal proporci il soggetto rappresentato […]

4 – Of minority feeling

Tiziano Veccellio, Supplizio di Marsia (detail), 1570-76   The present intervention is aimed at reconnecting those threads historically broken by the intervention of modernism first and, subsequently, by the definitive cultural deconstruction conducted by postmodernism. It is therefore good, first of all, to conduct a rapid re-examination of the historical-artistic events that have taken place within the contemporary world. As already mentioned, the eighteenth-century body is indelibly marked by the intervention of the Enlightenment, which, through a rationalistic-scientific approach, turns […]

3 – The process of dematerialization of art

Joseph Kosuth, Neon, Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue exhibition from 17 February to 20 May 2012 at la maison rouge, Paris, France   The analysis undertaken in my previous intervention, and that I am continuing here, pays more attention to the material aspect of the pictorial execution, an aspect that constitutes the fulcrum of the identity of painting and its expression, we would otherwise embark on a path of abstraction where the pictorial testimonies are not expressed and […]

Illusoriety of realism

Anonymous, View of an ideal city (detail), 1490-99ca   This, which I am presenting here, is the first in a series of interventions aimed at the dissemination of visual grammars. An aspect that, as I said in the introduction to the blog (, is closely linked to the analysis of the characteristic aspects of postmodernism, given the massive use of images and their wide dissemination implemented by postmodernism as a privileged linguistic vehicle and attributable to its characteristics of speed […]

Illusorietà del realismo

Anonimo, Veduta di citta ideale (particolare), 1490-99ca   Questo, che qui presento, è il primo di una serie d’interventi finalizzati alla divulgazione delle grammatiche visive. Un aspetto che, come dissi nella premessa al blog (, è strettamente legato all’analisi degli aspetti caratteristici della postmodernità, dato l’impiego massiccio delle immagini e della loro vasta diffusione attuata dal postmoderno in funzione di veicolo linguistico privilegiato e riconducibile alle sue caratteristiche di velocita di penetrazione inconscia, che in assenza di un’educazione all’alfabetizzazione visiva […]

2 – The process of abstraction in the contemporary age

Piero della Francesca, Nativity, 1460-1475 (detail)   In 1925 Franz Roh (1890-1965) theorized Magic Realism (Nach-Expressionismus – magischer Realismus: Probleme der neuesten europäisches Malerei, Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Biermann), stating that painting had the task of opposing the vague and demonic flow of existence. The pictorial representation therefore had to crystallize the volumes, making them solid, immutable and timeless. The works belonging to Magic Realism, and to the previous pictorial experiences that generated it (Metaphysics in particular), owe that sense of […]

1 – Modern, postmodern, altermodern, the imaginary in the contemporary era

Photo: Emiliano Russo   We have entered the altermodern era, which succeeded postmodernism and in turn succeeded modernism, what suggested it was the retrospective held in 2011 at the Victoria and Albert Museum entitled Postmodern – Style and Subversion 1970 – 1990, curated by Glenn Adamson and Jane Pavitt, declaring the conclusion of postmodernism itself according to the French critic Nicolas Bourriaud (1965). Now two questions must certainly be asked: the first concerns the date of this conclusion, i.e. the […]

Two or three things about the blog

Although linked to my site, it is not my intention to make this blog a promotional tool of my painting production. Instead, it wants to support my research, which I have never understood only as a visual expression, with a series of reflections on the language of images and on the historical-cultural context of which my generation, whether it wants it or not, must be considered legitimate or illegitimate daughter. I am obviously referring to the postmodernity within which we […]

A prescindere: artisti fuori dal tempo e senza movente economico di Luigi Mazzardo

Karel Appel, Frog with umbrella, 2001 (1993), Crocevia Kalvermarkt – Grote Marktstraat e Het Spui, L’Aia   Esiste a livello internazionale una costellazione di autori che si esprime, o si è espressa, senza confronto intenzionale con l’arte ufficiale del proprio tempo, disegnando mondi originali, unici, e di difficile o impossibile catalogazione. Artisti che – secondo l’epoca in cui sono vissuti e le pratiche artistiche adottate – gli storici dell’arte hanno incluso nelle categorie dell’Art Brut o Outsider Art e più […]

Post-urbanity – Post-urbano by Helen Shulkin

Helen Shulkin, Vancouver Cruise Terminal II, 2018   Post-urbanity Technological evolution has changed urban objects. Many urban spaces have lost their previous function like postindustrial areas and many urban objects are influenced by a postmodernism, and should be therefore be defined as post-urban spaces and objects. Posturbanity reveals new strata of recent sociological, cultural and technological developments. Some of its architectural identities deepened into the style of neofuturism and some into the structural expressionism like hightech architecture. These changes force […]